mamaATM is an advanced pos terminal (model: Visiontek GL11) plus Pin-Pad, designed and developed to provide agency banking and other utilities services with embeded cutting edge technologies to process payment cards such as; Visa Card, Verve Card and Master Card. It was certified by NIBSS (Nigerian Inter-Bank Settlement System) Ltd.
Agency Banking services refer to the delievery of financial services (e.g money transfer, cash withdrawal, Account Balance, Bank Account Opening etc) outside conventional bank branches by using retail outlets (Supermarket, Grocery, Pharmacy, Bookshop, Filling Station, etc) that rely mainly on pos or mobile phone (STK) technologies for realtime transactions.
Agency Banking is added to our numerous services to provide financial services to low-income earners, living in rural area and not currently reached by bank networks.
1. Instant payback on amount cashout/withdraw (T+0)
2. mamaATM process all payment cards (Visa/Verve/Master)
3. Instant money transfer to all banks in Nigeria.
4. mamaATM comes with multiple users interface and password.
5. Value Added Services (VAS) – Airtime, Bill Payment and Electricity.
6. mamaATM is used with external PINPAD to protect bank account holders from PIN/Password theft.
Some of the standout features of mamaATM are:
1. User-friendly interface
2. QWERTY Key Board
3. 3.5TFT colour LCD display with touch screen
4. Inbuilt Memory Smart Card Back-Up
5. Multiple reports
6. Detailed web report
7. Ruggedness
8. Multiple Connection Method (*Dual-SIM GSM GPRS, *RJ45 and *3G)
9. Efficient battery life (up to 10hrs) etc
1. Supermarkets
2. Pharmacies
3. Mini-Marts
4. Groceries
5. Cyber Cafés
6. Bookshops
7. Filling Stations
8. Retail Shops
9. Phone Repair Shop Etc
NOTE: mamaATM could be used by government agencies, political parties/ politicians and NGOs as an empowerment/ Poverty Alleviation tool.